Memoirs of an Eastender

Thursday June 26, 2003 - 6:35 a.m.

Hurrah and woohoo!

Currently reading: Charlie Big Potatoes - Phil Robinson

Making me happy: Just see below for the list, ;)

Pissing me off: Ooo - not a lot!

I have been having a great week. No really, I have. Everything seems to have been easier this week and the state of my head appears to be reflecting this.

I have actually had people at work commenting on how happy I seem and I have getting through shit-loads of work without it seeming stressy too! :)

What are the reasons for this - I am not altogether sure - I think it's a combination of things. The munchkin has been a really really good girl all week, and that has meant totally stress-free evenings for me. I don't know WHY she has suddenly been behaving better but I'm not going to complain.

Part of me thinks it's cos she su-consciously feeds off my emotions and when I'm happy, it makes her happier and easier to deal with.

Secondly, me and Mark have been getting on a lot better, and that makes things a hell of a lot easier as well, as I HAVE to deal with him all the time. Perhaps we're getting on better cos him and LFT haven't been getting on so well - and lets face it, if they're not getting on so after this short time, without the stress of a baby etc, then me and Mark can't possibly have been THAT bad together!!

Also (and quite importantly), I've been talking to The Sailor a lot, and last night he actually asked to see me again! I was SO pleased when I got the text message from him as I really haven't been able to work out whether he was likely to want to see me again or not. So that puts my mind at ease about that one :)

He IS really lovely. I'm just a little concerned cos once again (like The Fox), he is a very very nice bloke. And I know what I'm like with very nice blokes. But I've only met the once........he may let his cover slip and the forces of darkness may indeed shine through the cracks - and then I'll be happy, LOL.

In the meantime......a second date! Hurrah! Not sure when yet though cos I don't get a break from the munchkin for a while.

The Fox comes back from New York tomorrow (he went to try and sort his head out a bit), and he wants to see me. I'm really not sure that it would be a good idea. I've been on a massive guilt trip about things as it is, and I'm trying to pull out of it as I know that deep down, really, I didn't do anything wrong! I'll ponder that one today I guess, but I know what my answer SHOULD be.

Oh yeah, and Oink. Lovely adorable Oink. Who I love to pieces. I really do - he means the world to me, and I think everything has finally been said in the open, and we both know how the other feels. He really cares about me, that much is obvious. He worries about me, he knows when to ring me, just to cheer me up. He can tell from an email if I'm feeling down. He instinctively knows if 'something has happened'. I love him. I really do. He was teasing me about something on Monday and I finally let it all out. I told him that yeah, I would love things to be different between us, but that I don't want to lose him and that if the position of 'banter-partner' is all that's on offer, then I am quite happy to accept that.

This was after he had had a go at me for cheating on him by going out with another bloke at the weekend. That was his chance to be a boy and not deal with it and stop talking to me. But he didn't - and now I feel even closer to him. Which is great.

So, really, a brilliant week all round so far! :)

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