Memoirs of an Eastender

Thursday August 21, 2003 - 8:31 p.m.

Random things that happen to me - Part 2

Currently reading: King of the castle - Martin Plimmer

Making me happy: Having a boyfriend ;)

Pissing me off: My boyfriend not being here tonight :(

Well, as you've probably noticed, I always mention what book I am reading at the moment at the top of my entry. I have done this for quite some time.

A couple of weeks ago, I had an email waiting for me when I woke up from someone whose name I vaguely recognised but couldn't remember why.

Imagine my surprise when I read it and it was actually the author of "Charlie Big Potatoes" which I had read a couple of months ago! How totally random and cool is that???

i emailed him back, and he did in fact reply and then I thought "Hang on, is this weird?" and decided not to reply again. But he was broguht up in the same area as me and I keep gettign tempted to write back again.

The trouble is, I was actually rather embaressed cos the only way he could have known that I had read his book is cos he has been here, reading my diary!! Eeeek!!!

If it was some kind of PR stunt to make sure I buy any of his books that he publishes in the future, I can tell you something, it's worked, LOL!!!

Anyway, after my last entry, a couple of people wanted to know what the item was that I had bought.

I'm not telling (at least not yet!!). I will let you stew.

Noone answered my question, so why should I answer theirs, hee hee hee!!!

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