Memoirs of an Eastender

Tuesday September 30, 2003 - 7:29 a.m.

Flash mobbing

Currently reading: Sleeping Cutie

Making me happy: Seeing my boyfriend last night

Pissing me off: Having to run out on my boyfriend cos my mate had a major trauma :(

Most of you are probably aware of the new trend of Flash Mobbing, some examples of which can be found here.

There's a website that I go on a lot, which is forum based, and the core members of about 20 of us have got to know each other very very well. Anyway, we decided it would be fun to go an 'Flash Mob' another forum based website, and on Friday, that's exactly what we did! :)

We had very specific instructions, which we also found hysterical, and we stuck to them like glue (cue Sean Paul!). Our mission was (if we chose to accept it, which we did) as follows:

Friday starting at 2:00 PM and carrying on until about 4:30 PM

we all join this forum XXXXX as you can make up an email address and no activation is needed

we use the names of Mr Men Characters (spaces are allowed as I've checked the site out already)

we all have traffic cones as our avatars

we start a thread in a yet undecided forum called "favourite all time television program" and post about everything related to "favourite food" but make it the most disgusting things you can think of

Refuse to answer any questions about where we came from, if anyone asks just have the same reply "I am from the inisde of a marmite jar"

just treat the thread like you would on here but just before you know that you won't be able to be online anymore that day annoounce that you are off and post a picture of a roll of toilet paper and another of the pope

Obviously WE all thought we were very funny........our disgusting food chat really was absolutely gross and involved many types of poo spread on various types of innards amongst other things. I did actually get told off at one stage back on our own site as I didn't realise our flash-mobbed site only had a lower age limit of 13 and I happened to mention 'felch soup'.

I retaliated by saying, at 13, they could well know what it is, if they don't, then no harm done, they wont understand anyway and if they do, then it wasn't me that told them, and they were already corrupted!

In 2 hours, we managed to post 17 pages worth of crap, and in the end, one of the members called the moderator to put a stop to it all, and he locked our thread. We opened another one, posted our toilet paper and pope pics, posted a 'Hit Squad' logo which we'd agreed on and then left.

Paul, who runs our site, stayed for a little while and apparently, one of the members said "Well, thank God they've all gone" and the moderator said "Actually, all things considered, they were pretty nice guys, and now, I kinda miss them!"

Awwww, bless, he liked us! :)

Now we're just looking round for other suitable candidates!

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