Memoirs of an Eastender

Sunday October 19, 2003 - 1:56 p.m.

Mingers!!! MIN-GER-ERS!!!!!

Currently reading: The book, the film, the t-shirt

Making me happy: Having just had fantastic sex

Pissing me off: Bit spotty today!

I went to Manchester for a few days, and was given a lift back by someone I work with - a lovely young 22 year old Michael Owen looky-likey!

We also brought back another girl who is taking over a load of my work, and who freakily reminds me of me - she really is on exactly the same wavelength which makes me shudder occasionally!

Anyway - the traffic was bloody horrendous and I was doing my favourite thing - people watching. There were some VERY odd people - picking their noses, singing away to themselves - in the comfort of their own personal space, safe from prying eyes, or so they think in their little fully-windowed coccoons.

One woman was having a VERY aggrivated conversation on her mobile hands free - she looked an absolute loon! The thing was, she was like that for about an hour, until we lost sight of her.

And we also saw brother of Captain Birdseye (hence the comment in yesterday's entry), who looked like Lawyer Birdseye or Accountant Birdseye - which doesn't have quiet the same ring to it.

But then - I won utmost respect from Luke and Julia - I spotted the mingingest couple EVER!!! And they were in the lane next to us for about one and half hours. They were SO ugly that I even tried to take a photo of them on my mobile, but then I think the guy was used to this happening as he kept putting his arm in front of his face.

Well, it kept us amused for a while - trying to keep up with the mingers, which is entirely different to keeping up with the Jones'! I had to laugh though when Julia said "I think we should actually stop and offer them our congratulations" "What for?" "For managing to find each other!!!!"


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