Memoirs of an Eastender

Monday October 27, 2003 - 11:03 a.m.

The smell of money

Currently reading: Melting - Anna Davies

Making me happy: A week off work

Pissing me off: Knowing no more

Blimey, I got paid on Friday, and it must be the first month for I don't know HOW long that I wasn't overdrawn before my pay went in. And, in fact, I'm due my expenses from work as well which is about �100.


But I think I'm going to need all that money to support my new habit - eBay. I go through stages of spending too much on there. I am SUCH an addict. At the moment, if I continue winning everything that I am currently winning, I am going to be forking out �52+ P&P.

Today, my plan is to do absolutely nothing. I am not going to lift a finger to do anything worthwhile at all - I'm going to eat, drink tea, watch crap TV and surf the net and chat. It is the first day of my week off work, but I can't really do too much as I have the munchkin in the evenings.

I saw The Fox at the weekend, and things seem OK and we're still having great sex and having a laugh and stuff, but I did a bit of an experiment - I just didn't tell him I love him, or get particularly touchy-feely with him, just to see how it would be if I gave as much as him. So, nothing. I'm not quite sure what to make of it all. But finishing something that fundamentally is quite good is actually easier said than done.

I need to build my courage up!

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