Memoirs of an Eastender

Wednesday October 29, 2003 - 3:17 p.m.

Aaaarrrghhh!!! My head!!!!

Currently reading: Melting - Anna Davies

Making me happy: Gonna put my head down for an hour

Pissing me off: My head is actually killing me!!!!

My head hurts. I mean like it REALLY hurts. I'm not sure whether it's a migraine as I've never had one.....all I know is that it really really hurts and I am squinting my eyes against anythign bright (like this screen - I've had to turn the brightness down on the monitor).

It could be stress I guess. I'm very stressed about how to deal with The Fox situation. How can I want such conflicting things?

I get the feeling that I'm going to be single forever, and contrary to what 'Cael' said here, that definitely isn't what I want. I hate being on my own. I hate feeling so 'single', which is the main problem I think I have with The Fox - we've never felt like a couple.

But it leaves me wondering - where the HELL am I going to get myself a real boyfriend from? At my age! In my situation? Who ISN'T going to bore me???

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