Memoirs of an Eastender

Friday October 31, 2003 - 9:33 a.m.

Results of caption comp #1

Currently reading: Melting - Anna Davies

Making me happy: Funny captions

Pissing me off: Lack of boyfriend

Well, it's Halloween (spooky!) and I promised a list of entries for the caption competition (most were emailed to me)

"Even the Police get shafted sometimes"

"Police reject claims that the public regard them as 'a bunch of knobs'"

"Police discover fatal flaw in new undercover road control unit disguises"

"Most poles have a knob on the top."

"The latest prototype for police body armour gets mixed reviews."

"New police methods for strengthening the thin blue line come in for criticism"

"Evidence of early police forces found in Pompeii."

"Musical statues was always difficult to judge at the policemen's ball"

"Arresting Medusa was always going to have it's downsides."

"Natural pillars of society"

"Carol Smilie wasn't sure that Linda Barker's latest 'fad' would take off"

"The radical new police recruitment procedure finally starts showing some improvements on calibre"

"The chief of police has confirmed that their plans for extending the force are concrete"

But, my favourite, and declared winner of the compeition IS:

"Ann Summers showcase new 'Rampant Rozzer' range of vibrators."

I liked that. I might do another one again some time! :)

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