Memoirs of an Eastender

Monday November 10, 2003 - 1:43 p.m.

Funny things my daughter says: Part 74,457

Currently reading: Scaredy cat - Mark Billingham

Making me happy: Starting 'discussions' tonight

Pissing me off: Feeling empty

Well, after my heartfelt but rather depressing poem yesterday, it's nice that what I have to write about now is more upbeat! :)

I just had this discussion on the phone with the munchkin while she was with Mark.

Me: What have you been doing then darling?

Munchkin: I had a bath and daddy washed my hair

Me: Oh, that's good - are you al sparkly and fresh now?

Munckin: Yes mummy, do you want to smell my hair?

Me (laughing): Sweetheart. you're on the phone, I can't smell it down the phone

Munchkin: Yes you can mummy, just have a smell

Me: What does it smell of then? Does it smell of apples? (I know Mark usually uses some fruity shampoo)

Munckin (despairingly): NO mummy! It smells of HAIR

At that stage I was trying hard not to laugh and asked to talk to Mark again......she called him and I thought she'd handed the phone over so let my snorts of laughter out cos I'd started crying.

Munchkin (small stern voice): Mummy, why are you laughing?

Me (pissing myself): Oh sweetie, I'm nto laughing, not really

Munchkin: Why are you laughing at me mummy? What have I done?

It was all too much for me. I just had to get her off the phone as quick as I could!!!

I did write another poem last night, after I got off the phone from The Fox..........until yesterday, I hadn't written any poetry for 6 years. I keep wondering whetherto post the second poem here, but am not sure whether it would just be overkill to my poor readers, LOL!

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