Memoirs of an Eastender

Tuesday January 13, 2004 - 7:08 p.m.

My Marlon Brando impression

Currently reading: Do not pass go - Tim Moore

Making me happy: A good day at work

Pissing me off: 3 guesses, LOL

Firstly, I have cjanged my poll - so vote if you haven't yet.

Something peculiar has happened....on Sunday night, it fely like I was starting to get an ulcer on the right hand side of my mouth. I thought "Bugger!" but didn't give it any more thought than that. When I woke up yesterday, quite a large area of my mouth felt sore, but I couldn't see any ulcers.

it's right at the back, so I was doing the attractive pulling my mouth around, shining torches into the depths etc.....but it hurt and I still couldn't see anything.

by the time I got to work, my jaw started seizing up, and when I tried to eat my breakfast, it hurt too much. I could barely manage anything for lunch either - and I knew things were getting bad when I couldn't eat my flake.

I had been opening my mouth as wide as I could during the day and it was getting less and less wide..........Devil Boy was worried about me, and when I spoke to him, he reminded me that I'd also had a rash around my neck on Sunday morning - I told him it was all his fault and I must be allergic to him!

Anyway - veggie soup and ice cream for dinner last night, but it still hurt. Nurofen has been working though....takes away the pain and I can open my jaw a little wider.....however, the inside of my mouth, on the right is still rather swollen which is horrible! :(

Tonight I had lasagne, but I still had trouble getting the fork in my mouth, LOL!!

Ouch......any ideas anyone?

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