Memoirs of an Eastender

Monday January 12, 2004 - 7:41 a.m.

All the men I can think of!

Currently reading: Do not pass go - Tim Moore

Making me happy: Bit of action at the weekend

Pissing me off: Still no boyfriend! :(

OK - this time I WILL do a man update, but I wont go in depth about anything as there has been way too much going on lately on that scene. Well, nothing much has been 'going on' as such, but I have been keeping things alive so to speak!

Mr Pixie - I am still talking to him all the time. we are still getting on really well.....but I am a bit worried that we might have 'missed the opportunity' and that it will be difficult to reconstruct the first date, without it all going into just a one night stand - but we'll see.......

The Sweet Guy - This is the friend who kissed me in the pub for no reason. I also took him to see Eddie Izzard with me just before Xmas when my uncle had to drop out. I saw him at a do I was at on Saturday, and someone said to me that one of the other girls got the hump with the way that we were chatting as she was seeing him again. i had no idea, so last night I had to ask him, and he said that he wasn't seeing her, but of course he asked why I wanted to know. I told him it was cos I was flirty with him and didn't want to 'tread on anyone's toes' he said the idea that a couple of girls may be competing for his affections was (a) hysterical and (b) totally missed by him! Awwww.

NoNoNoNo - he rang me twice last week and also sent me a few texts - as well as talking to me online. This is far more than he's ever done before, and I'm not quite sure what to make of it. He is SO my type, and yet I know I can't! :(

Devil Boy - this is what I have decided to call the guy that I met here. He came to stay with me for most of the weekend so that we could go to the do together on Saturday night. We get on really well and he's very funny and we have a great laugh. He fell down the stairs on Saturday night in the club and really did his back in, so instead of making him sleep on ths sofa, I relented and let him share my bed (I have done this purely platonically with a lot of guys). Anyway, it was quite nice being able to go to bed in a drunken stupor at 4.30am and fall asleep in someone's arms. i kind of forgot who I was with and what our relationship was i the morning though as he was kind of 'amorous' when he woke up. We so nearly had sex, it was unbelievable. Not that there would have been anything wrong with it - we're both single, both care about each other...........but he's my mate.

The Fox - he knows I had a date. He's not sure how he feels about that, but said he knew it would happen obviously. I'm getting over it, but I still think it was SO the wrong time for us to split up.

My cute kitchen fitter - erm....will, this was unexpected. I happened to be chatting to him late last night, and I think he was getting frisky. He told me he was coming round to see me - I argued and argued and argued........and he asked my address again and I wouldn't give it to him, and so he just looked it up in his records. And then. he came round. Nothing happened :) but we chatted for about 3 hours. It was really weird cos I haven't seen him since May, but as he said, it was like it was just the day before that he'd been here. I've asked him along on my birthday do, cos he's a funny bloke!

The funny guy - still chatting, still laughing, still keeping me up til stupid o'clock a lot of nights / mornings. He's another one I've invited on my birthday.....along with The Sweet Guy and Mr Pixie. LOL

Oh yeah - and I actually snogged some uy in the club on Saturday night. He was really lovely, and I was desperate for a snog! :)

Yep, I think that's it, ha ha ha!! You can ask for more info on any one if you like :)

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