Memoirs of an Eastender

Thursday July 08, 2004 - 7:09 p.m.

Does that make me a tart???

Currently reading: Running with scissors - Augusten someone or other

Making me happy: The Northerner is lovely

Pissing me off: My husband is a selfish wanker!

Two weeks since I last did an entry!! Oh my God! And this one is crap! LOL

My lovely boyfriend despairs of me sometimes, and I get 'The Look'.

Last week, I got 'The Look' after this exchange. For some odd reason, he refuses to be the one to ring through food delivery orders. He says that it's cos he doesn't speak 'Southern', which, seeing as most of the restaurants aren't run by anyone English, always seems like a lame excuse.

Me & his flatmate point blankly refused to ring and we were all sitting there starving, glaring at each other (but in a humorous way!) and he suddenly blurted out "I fucking HATE phones, I always have......I loathe talking on the phone"

Me: You bloody liar! What about those few days before I actually met you - you stayed on the phone to me for hours at a time - I couldn't shut you the fuck up!!

Him: But that was different!!

Me: No it wasn't! Why was it different?

Him: Cos I was trying to get into your knickers!!!

Me: Sweetheart, in that case, you could easily have saved yourself a lot of time, money and effort. "Can I get into your knickers please?" would have worked just as effectively. You may even have got away with not saying please!

And then I got 'The Look'!!

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