Memoirs of an Eastender

Tuesday July 20, 2004 - 7:25 p.m.

I am multi-layered, like an onion....

Currently reading: Frank Skinner's autobiography

Making me happy: Coming down from stress

Pissing me off: Bad period!

I have been so bloody stressed with work over the past couple of weeks that everything else seems to have taken a back-burner. I even felt compelled to send The Northerner a text tonight to apologise for not being as 'there' for him as I'd like to be.

But, as I said to him, everything should settle down a bit after tomorrow. The first manic part of everything I've been working on is being distributed tomorrow. So i will be able to breathe again. Which is great cos I have a night out planned and The Northerner should be getting to meet a lot more of my mates if it all goes swimmingly. Yay!!

Ooo yeah, I'm thinking of doing something for a laugh, but want to work out what the likely reaction is going to be.

I sent The Northerner out on sunday night to get me an onion as I has a sudden craving for a cheese, ham and onion toastie! When he came back, he went at great lengths to explain to me the dire quality of onions on offer in the corner shop and the fact that he only actually spent �1.09. When I looked round, he had a 5lb net of onions!! I was horrified!

So i was trying to figure out how to get rid of them all. i started with - lots of pasta dishes, a large stash of french onion soup 9which I'm good at making) and then began to get silly. i suggested posting them through the neighbour's letter boxes, and The Northerner added the finishing touch of a ribbon, or wrapping them up like gifts.

So - before I do this, my question is; what would your reaction and thoughts be if you got a gift of an onion from an unknown source through your letter box.

And MLNDN & TONDN, I would be especially pleased to get your input on this!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

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