Memoirs of an Eastender

Friday July 23, 2004 - 7:42 a.m.

Baby, baby, baby.....

Currently reading: Frank Skinner's autobiography

Making me happy: Work calming down a little

Pissing me off: Being without The Northerner for 4 nights!

I can't believe that only 1 person had a comment on the onion question that I asked, LOL - would everyone else really just take getting an onion through their door in their stride and think nothing of it?

I went out on Wednesday night - my frst proper night out for very very long time, with about 14 of my mates.....and I had a fantastic time, until The Northerner (who was meeting all my friends for the first time really) turned to me and said "I really want to have a baby with you - I think we should.........and before we get married".

I was stunned. Completely. This is the man that never ever wanted kids or anything much to do with them. Admittedly he was pissed, but from my past experience of him, and from everything that he's said to me, I know that he's just more likely to really say what he's been thinking than come out with loads of shite. And he DID mention it again last night on the phone very briefly. that's an annoying thing an' all - he comes out with something like that and then fucks off to the Womad festival to live in a field for 4 nights! Leaving me thinking "What the hell...............?????"

I don't know what to think. I'm panicking. With that one sentence, he changed my entire view of our relationship and the rest of my life. I KNEW he didn't want kids. I was quite happy with that. Every now and then I get broody but overall I've kind of got used to the idea of only having the munchkin. She's perfect. She's well-behaved, well-adjusted, an absolute joy to have around, has a brilliant character and personality and at her age, is pretty easy to deal with.

I can't go back to sleepless nights, god-awful pregnancy, the truly disgusting unnatural process that is childbirth, having to be off work, being SO knackered all the time, having a baby around (and they are BLOODY boring til they're at least 2-3!!) and all the financial crap that comes with it aswell. The thought of it just makes me break into a cold sweat!!

So - I love him. And I know I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him. But could I do this? Does it REALLY mean that much to him? I am currently petrified! And as I said, the bastard has pissed off now and wont be back til Monday night, LOL! Typical!!!!

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