Memoirs of an Eastender

Monday August 30, 2004 - 12:33 p.m.

Thoughts for the day!

Currently reading: King of the castle - Martin Plimmer, again!!!

Making me happy: Not feeling sick any more

Pissing me off: So bloody tired!

OK - I don't seem to have the time to write a proper entry at the moment, so I thought I'd just do an entry that was a few snippets of things that have been happening or that I've been thinking.

So - Bobby Robson has been 'relieved of his duties' at Newcastle UFC. This isn't what I find funny - I just think it's hysterical that Barclays aren't going to be able to show that freaky advert any more, where all the people in it have Bobby Robson's face and are wearing Newcastle shirts - ha ha ha!!


I've been quite ill for about the last 10 days but am finally feeling a bit better today - although tired. I've had a urinary tract infection. What made me laugh though was the fact that I asked the doctor where I could have got it from, and he said "Oh, anywhere, women are prone to it obviously with everything exposed between their legs - bugs and whatever" erm, yuck! thanks for that doc, and then he said "You can get it from sex too - have you got a new partner?". And there was me at 32 years old with the doctor who saw me through pregnancy, turning beetroot red because he asked me if I was having sex!!!!! :-D God I'm such a child - I bet I'll be scared of the munchkin's head-teacher an' all!!


It's a Bank Holiday Monday - just the right time to have a snoozy lay in wrapped in the arms of the man I love.

What I DIDN'T really need was to hear "You shitty fucking wankers.......I'm gonna kill you all you bastards!!!!" from the direction of my garden. Well, it wasn't actually in MY garden, but it was MLNDN & TONDN's wonderfully scary upstairs neighbours.


Actually we don't usually hear anything from them, so we turned everything off and went out the back to listen further, and then TONDN came in to tell us how scared they were! Awww, bless! Hopefully they'll be able to get rid of them soon! Finally!


I had a two hour conversation with Mark on Saturday. It was brilliant. We sorted so much out. LFT is finally going back to where she came from next Saturday and I think we can ALL breathe a sigh of relief!


Oh yeah, and I met The Northerner's mum last Saturday. And it was a disaster. *sob*

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