Memoirs of an Eastender

Wednesday September 08, 2004 - 9:36 p.m.

The surreal wedding experience that will never be!

Currently reading: Playing the Moldovans at tennis - Tony Hawkes (again!)

Making me happy: I love my man

Pissing me off: He's not here right now :(

Well, the munchkin loves school and everything to do with it, much to my relief after all my worrying on Monday.

Ok, I've just realised that I haven't spilled the beans about my surreal wedding experience. that now isn't going to be happening. It was MEANT to be happening this weekend, but i have actually managed to get away with it.

First a bit of background info. The Northerner split up with his wife 2 years ago, the same time as me and Mark. At that time, they had bene married 18 months, been together for 9 years. He left her for another woman (naughty boy! Bad BAD Northerner!). His dad left his mum for another woman about 6 years ago I believe.

Anyway - his mum is getting married on September 11th! the Northerner asked me to go with him, which I was quite happy to. THEN I found out that his wife (who is still friends with all his friends remember - I met her on his birthday back in May......), well SHE is going to the wedding an' all.

I thought it was a bit weird and felt a bit freaked out to be honest. They've been separated for two years for God's sake. I kept worrying that I wouldn't compare to her because she's obviously been around for the past 11 years and that I wouldn't get accepted and everyone would think i was tryingt o steal her place, and that wouldn't happen cos everyone SAYS that she is such a lovely person - which, yeah - she seems OK to me, I just wish that she'd get over The Northerner!!!

OK. So, if that wasn't bad enough, about 4 weeks ago, I found out that his wife is actually matron of honour at the bloody wedding!!!!!!! This TOTALLY didn't sit right!!

So, I didnt say too much, and then his mum came down for the weekend 3 weeks ago. I mentioned it was a disaster. I didn't say why.

His mum came down, and spent the Friday night at his wife's. then she was due to go for a meal on the saturday night with the 2 of us, and her fiance. the Northerner's hosue-mate decided to come along too, which was cool. A bit of moral support, we get on really well, and she thinks I'm fantastic for him. She's also a close friend of his wife's and yet she thinks that as a couple, we work far better :)

So - i walked into the pub to meet the three of them. And three, was four! His fucking wife was sitting there comfortable and at ease as anything, calling his mum 'mum' after having been shopping for stuff for the wedding. talk about bloody well uncomfortable. I couldn't believe it. i had been SO nervous about meeting the first of his family, and then i just had that rubbed in my face. There is NO way I would have done that, even to LFT who I knew was no good for Mark.

Anyway, she didn't come for the meal with us, but when we were chatting we spoke about inheritance for some reason and his mate said to his mum "Oh well, you've only got (Northerner) to worry about" and she quite positively stated "Oh yes, and (wife)" making me feel a little surplus to requirements. And then, to make it even worse, her and his mate were talking, and I was talking to him, but still listening to their conversation (girls can multitask like that!) and his mate said "You're going to love this girl....just give her a chance, she has been so good for him, she's worked wonders" and his mum sat there and said "Maybe, but (wife) will always be my number one!".

I wanted to cry and go home.

Instead i poured my heart out to mark cos he had sent me a text, knowing that I was meeting her and nervous, and he asked how it went and I said fucking shite, so he rang me up to check I was OK. Which I wasn't.

So, after many discussions, a lot of tears, much heart-wrenching etc etc etc HE has decided that I shouldn't go. I would love to know anyone else's opinions, or whether they've ever been in that situation!

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