Memoirs of an Eastender

Tuesday January 28, 2003 - 6:34 a.m.

Another one bites the dust!

Currently reading: Fen - Freya North

Making me happy: My littl'un is wonderful

Pissing me off: Oh God, the list is too long just now!

I really can't believe this!

I wasn't just paranoid yesterday - I know this for definite now, as it's not like he's been knocked down and ended up in hospital or anything as I saw that he was on the website I met him on last night. I thought I'd leave it and see whether he spoke to me, and he didn't!

So that's that then! What the hell did I do wrong?? I have been through EVERYTHING in my mind and I just don't get it. It's not even as if he'd been giving me hints that he wasn't interested any more or anything. The last thing I heard from him at all was a text message at 8.55am Sunday morning which read "Hi babe. missing you. been up all night, going to get a few hours sleep now. Talk to you later. night xx"

Does THAT sound like someone who never wants to speak to you again? Hence why I am so confused, and it's not like I went OTT on the messages or anything. I sent him one right then just saying night and sleep well, I theb sent him one at about 10.30pm when I went to bed telling him something silly about what I'd done during the day and hoped to talk when he got back. Then I sent him one yesterday morning (I was getting a bit concerned by then) just asking if he was OK and that I missed him.

By 5pm yesterday, I was a bit worried, so rang him, left a bright and breezy message. And now I have given up. I just don't know what else to do.

Anyway, with this on top of a load of other things, I just fell to pieces last night and lay on my bed and cried my eyes out. Mark rang up during it, realised I was crying and kept asking me why, what was up, and I just told him I wasn't crying. Then, when the munckin spoke to him, she said "Mummy's crying" and I felt dead guilty. A little bit later, she said "Don't cry any more mummy, I'll look after you" and gave me a big hug, which of course started me off again.

So - has anyone got any theories at all as to what could have happened with Trainer?? I'd love to know!!! Or as to how I can get him to tell me, rather than just doing the same as The Hat and disappearing off the face of the planet!

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