Memoirs of an Eastender

January 29, 2003 - 8:29 a.m.


Currently reading: Fen - Freya North

Making me happy: Just read on!

Pissing me off: Moving my kitchen today!! Eeeeeek!

Well, don't I feel a bit of a prat??!! Why is it that boys and girls have such a difference of time, 'relationship' etiquette and continuity???

How come boys just don't understand that if you've been sending someone about 10-15 texts a day, telling them how much you miss them, and ringing them every day AND talking to them online, to suddenly not contact them AT ALL for two and a half days just isn't on and is going to make them worry??!!!

Yep - you guessed it, Trainer finally rang me last ngith, completely at ease, blaise and ignorant to one second of the torment I had been going through. He was busy. Correction, he was totally fucking busy and has had no time to himself at all.

I'm not going to bore you with ALL the details of our conversation (like I did with J, my mum, Lorna and MFG last night), but I will put down the start and the end!

Me (at about 10.10pm): Hello

Trainer: Hello babe, how are you?

Me (dropping bacon sarnie in surprise): Erm, fine, how's you?

Trainer: I'm absolutely knackered babe......I'm just on my way home now from work, yet again....i can't believe this - I'm shattered.

Me: Oh, erm, you've been busy then?

Trainer: Yeah, it's been a nightmare, you know on sunday, I was flying back from Belfast, well, the flight got delayed and I didn't get back til 1am, and cos of all the stuff that had to be relayed back to the team after the conference, I had to be in work at fucking 7.30am, I was well pissed off, and then, get this, guess what time I got home last ngiht after all that?

Me: Go on, surprise me

Trainer: Fucking 10.30!! 10 bloody 30 afetr getting in at 7.30 and working all weekend, the wankers. I went online to get my emails, I saw you actually on that site, but it said that you were just 'online' and not that you were doing anything so I assumed you weren't actually there - I know you just leave that bloody computer logged in all night

Me: Erm, yeah *note to readers - this IS actually true, I wasn't doing anything cos as soon as I saw he was online, I just froze and waited for him to talk to me, igneored anyone else talking to me, and again, he's righ, I DO leave my comp logged in overnight and then people try to talk to me and then get annoyed when I don't answer!!!*

Trainer: Anyway, so then the bastards wanted me back in work at 6am, and it has been SUCH a nightmare. I popped back to walk the dogs at about 5pm, which is when you rang me and I couldn't hear you (which is true - I HAD rung him to finally found out one way or another, and it was so bloody windy I could barely hear what he said, but he said he'd call me when he got in - I didn't realise he meant in from WORK 5 hours later!!!!), and now I'm finally going home and straight to bed cos I feel shagged! Anyway, what you been up to babe?

Me: Are you married?

So after he'd stopped, choking, laughing, taking the piss out of me, listened to my reasons for asking him, listened to my very abbreviated tales of The Hat and NoNoNoNo, he completely reassured me that he wasn't married. I feel COMPLETELY reassured on that point - honest!!!

Anyway, the end of the conversation was almost as daft as the beginning.

Trainer: ok babe, I'm gonna go to bed now, I'll call you tomorrow and we'll have a long chat, OK

Me: Yeah, cool

Trainer: I'm not sure what time it will be, but I WILL ring you

Me: I've got barbecue sauce on my top

Trainer: Babe, you are just SUCH a classy bird!

Which I am of course!! Actually, when I woke up, I was goign over the whole conversation in my head, and I remembered something he said that I hadn't told J, Lorna, my mum OR MFG. he came out with something (can't remember what) and I made a very witty retort, and he burst out laughing and said "You are so sharp, you really are, I could never get one over on you" "You reckon", "Yeah, definitely, I was tellign the guys in the office about you and I said I'd never be able to cos you'd catch me straight away"

I didn't think much of it at the time. He's told 'the guys in the office' about me. Awwwwww. *goes to mush*

Thank you ALL for your lovely comments yesterday - there is nothing quite like knowing that you've got people who DO care for and supprt you, no matter WHERE they are, aye Lozzi?? xxxxxx

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