Memoirs of an Eastender

Wednesday January 08, 2003 - 7:12 a.m.

Where I'm at now!

Currently reading: Nothing again

Making me happy: My head feels quite clear

Pissing me off: Having to drive to Birmingham in half an hour!

Well, I'm off to yet another bloody conference until late tomorrow night, so I thought before I went, I'd do a quick update on my 'man' situation.  Not that it's much of an update really as there isn't anything going on.


Well, I haven't seen C since just after Xmas, although I've spoken to him a couple of times.  There was one strange call when I rang him from Amsterdam when I noticed he'd nicked my lighter.  He found this highly amusing!  Not half as amusing was the fact that I left him a message on Friday, telling him about my purse and to give me a ring back so that we could sort something out some time.  He rang me back on Sunday.........and he was TOTALLY wasted - not like normal, I mean, I know he's ALWAYS stoned but this was totally exceptional!  he wasn't himself at al.  When he mentioned my purse, he started having a go at ME for getting it lifted!  His exact words were:  "Oh for fucks sake Son, that's not like you, I thought you had street savvy, what's happened - you gone a bit soft?"  Which in a way is quite flattering that someone like him would think I had street savvy, but in the same breath, isn't exactly what I expected or needed to hear!  I've been quite upset about this actually.  He eventually asked me when I was free and I said all next weekend and he said he'd ring me.  I just said, "Yeah, right, OK, bye" and put the phone down!  Oooooo!!



Blimey, K has been a completely different matter.  It has been SO long now since we first started 'getting close' online that I have kinda resolved myself to the fact that nothing will ever happen.  Then, over the past 2-3 weeks, it's sorta stepped up a notch.  First of all I actually received a real Xmas card from him.  I also got a REALLY flattering e-Xmas card.  I had a text message from him just before New Year and an email, which was nice as he was at his parent's and would have had to go to an internet cafe.  THEN, I got the shock of my life, when me and Lorna landed from Amsterdam on New Year's Day, I switched my phone on, listened to my 2 messages and BINGO, 20 minutes beforehand, K had rung!  For the first time ever, and I'd been on a bloody plane - grrrr.  But it meant I got to hear his voice.  Hurrah!  Well, not hurrah really, cos just like everything about him, I don't fancy it one iota!!!  In fact, as Lorna said, he actually sounds like H from Steps. So, he got back to London on Saturday and come Sunday, we had had our first email argument of the year, caused by him being just as arrogant as usual.  It was great, I love it!!!!  He reckons he'll ring me within the week.  We shall see.


The Hat

He has completely disappeared.  I am actually quite worried.  He hasn't been onto the site I met him on.  I set email notifications on 2 emails I sent him, he hasn't looked at them.  It is all VERY strange.



This is a guy I started chatting to on Xmas Eve, who I really like.  I spoke to him again a few nights later, and we started arranging a date, and then one of my triggers was set off and I confronted him and asked whether he was single.  He said "Not exactly".  I was totally gutted.  In fact I shagged Bad Man the next day.  Then, while in Amsterdam, and after a discussion with Lorna, we decided that I should give him a chance to explain, so I texted him for a few hours and we said we'd talk when I got back.  We talked on Sunday night.  He's married.  I really like him.....even just as a friend, but I don't know whether we'd manage that.  I'd like to see him, but know that I shouldn't.



My husband.  We've been getting on really well.  Yes, he's living with someone, I know.  We ARE still married though.  I care about him.  I guess I just get confused when he's nice to me.  I try not to love him, but the fact is that I do.  When he acts like himself that is.  I also feel very protective towards him when he doesn't seem very happy.  He hasn't seemed very happy the past week or so and I keep wishing I could change that for him.  see - I'm not such a bitch after all!  LOL



So, that's it for now as I have to go pack to go to bloody Sutton Coldfield!  Another entry soon - and I WILL finish the tale of Amsterdam!!

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