Memoirs of an Eastender

Saturday April 26, 2003 - 9:30 a.m.

Not as bad as I thought!

Currently reading: Basket Case - Carl Hiaasen

Making me happy: Oink didn't run away!

Pissing me off: I have an awful headache

Well, about an hour after I wrote my last entry, I was on my way to the station to go to work and I got a text message from Oink saying "I am SO sorry. fell asleep. Will email you later xx"

He didn't email me, but rang as he'd been sent somewhere with work, so wasn't in the office. We didn't actually talk about 'things', but he did refer to me being soppy the night before, and that he didn't want me to worry that he wasn't talking to me as a result of it.

I didn't hear from him for the rest of the day, but he sent me a message about 1am last night just saying "Thinking of you x" and when I replied, he rang me between jobs (he does cabbing at weekends). He then rang me about 3 times after that.

I want him SO much!!! I just hope that it DOES happen some time! I'd really rather know now if it's not going to, so I can give it up as a bad idea!

Trouble is, Lorna has decided to help deplete my supply of back-up men by stealing one of the cutest ones, LOL, ;) don't mean it babe!

I never mentioned that I saw The Dutchman this week, did I??? He came round on Wednesday night. He is SO in love with this girl he's met, it's fantastic....he's got a great big insane grin on his face that he just can't shift! It's great!!!! It was lovely that night though, we sat around, drinking wine, snuggling up on the sofa with occasional little kisses and loots of touching (all very platonic!), he just didn't know how to handle it, it was all a new experience for him to have an 'ex-shag' who was now a good friend! I just found it lovely!

And The Fox.......well....he's still being very keen.......I am trying to put him off. He wants to see me tomorrow night, but I'm really conscious of the fact that if I manage to tie Oink down to telling me how he feels about me, and it's what I WANT to hear, I wouldn't want to much around with The Fox and would give the whole game up until Oink was ready!

Sad case, aren't I!!!

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