Memoirs of an Eastender

Friday February 13, 2004 - 2:54 p.m.

Friday 13th Part 2,674,987

Currently reading: Birthday Girls - Annabel Giles

Making me happy: Seem to have more boys to play with again!

Pissing me off: I just want ONE boy to play with!! :(

I had my head stuck down the loo most of last night - not very attractive at all!

It seems that quite a few people at work have been suffering from something that appears to be food poisoning......I guess it could just be a bug, but it's rather nasty, whatever it is. So, I'm not at work today and am trying to recuperate!

V-Day tomorrow - and I think I will probably be going out with Lorna - as long as I am feeling better!

I am getting hassled by my mate Cathy and Devil Boy, who arrived back in the country yesterday (for good) and wants me to go to a big internet meet in romford tomorrow night. the way I'm feeling right now though, I can't see myself going anywhere, LOL!

i've spoken to NoNoNoNo a few more times this week, and he in fact rang me last night to see whether I would take next Thursday off work as he has a day off (un)fortunately I have a meeting in Halifax, so it's not likely that I will be going anywhere!!!

Also, I met the brother of one of my mates a month ago. He was apparently quite taken with me and asked his mate to pass his phone number on to me. I'm too chicken to ring anyone first off, so have just sat on it for 3 weeks. It appears my mate gave him MY number, and he rang me last ngiht - WHILE I had my head down the loo, so I didn't speak to him. Now I'm too chicken to call him back - LOL!!!

When am I gonna get some confidence back??? LOL

Oh - and Mark is apparently back with LFT (I don't think that will last), Mr Pixie is still top of my list and as attentive as ever, just not in 'that' way, and The Fox admitted that he still loves me a hell of a lot. boo to that!!!

And it seems that those voting in my poll are happily coupled up or cynical to the core.......a bit like me, LOL!!! xx

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