Memoirs of an Eastender

Monday July 26, 2004 - 7:47 a.m.

And one more makes three

Currently reading: Frank Skinner's autobiography

Making me happy: The Northerner coming home today

Pissing me off: Being so tired!

Well, this is just going to be a very quick entry as (as usual) I am running late for work and I've got loads to do before I can actually leave (including getting dressed!!).

The Fox came round yesterday and we've worked out a lot of stuff that I can do on my website that I'm setting up and I'm getting quite excited about it. He's going to look at a few things for me and generally help me (I haven't got the foggiest about SQL and stuff like that, so he's going to help me until I get the hang of it all! Woohoo!!).

The Northerner comes home today, and my God have I missed him - it's been almost painful not having him around, and even worse, barely being able to speak to him because he was away for 5 days and his phone doesn't hold charge for that long *sob*. I can't wait to see him.

On Saturday, the Law of Sod well and truly kicked in for me - my washing machine decided to go kapuut! But can it just break down, OH NO - it has to break down and just boil everything in there. What's in there? a DELICATE wash! And, being a delicate wash, it's all my favourite clothes, the munchkin's coat, two of my bras etc. So I tried it a couple of times with no clothes in. Fine. Did about 3 washes since. Fine. So I have nicely melted trousers and disfigured clothing and ruined stuff for no reason!! And no, I didn't just put it on the wrong setting - it got so hot in there that there was steam coming out of it all, the front drawer has gone yellow and when I tried to take the stuff out, they were WAY too hot to touch!

So I had to go shopping yesterday and replace my bras and her coat and some tops and stuff. typical. More bloody expense! *sob*

And last but certainly not least OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod - Lozzi's pregnant!!!!!!!! I am SO glad to hear it babe! I know it's something you've wanted for a long time! yay!! Funny, I'm sure I said to Sue a few weeks ago that I guessed you were trying and for all I knew, you probably WERE pregnant! Spooky aye! :) So, erm, i didn't REALLY mean what I said about babies the other day. Ahem. Honest! Love you hunny xxxxx

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