Memoirs of an Eastender

Thursday September 04, 2003 - 10:13 a.m.

Things I've done since I last wrote

Currently reading: Inteersting Times - Terry Pratchett (Again!!)

Making me happy: A good, very productive week

Pissing me off: Relationship confusion

I've actually been having a pretty good week. well, I WAS - and it isn't a disaster (yet!), LOL. Once I got Saturday out of the way, I felt more like my old self.

I am bloody busy with a lot of stuff at the moment, but I wanted to get some of my usual bullet points down, just to keep myself up to date.

So, here's what I've been up to:

* Snogged the same Norwegian bird again as I did back on THIS summary

* Had a very honest discussion with K who I haven't spoken to for ages - God knows why HE has suddenly surfaced

* Got exceptionally drunk on Saturday night and only realised how bad on Sunday when I saw people's photos of the night. And there was me snogging some OTHER bird - someone I know quite well - and I don't even remember!!!!!!

* Finally done the 2nd interviews for my new assistant, so I will finally be getting someone to help me out with my work stress - woohoo!

* Saw C

* Confronted The Fox about the way he has been acting, and he has admitted that he's not really sure about 'us' at the moment. I don't know where it goes from here. The ball is in his court. I just don't see that there is any reason for us to stop seeing each other, and I don't particularly WANT to stop seeing him. So I'm a wee bit peeved about it all and more than a little concerned I guess.

* Heard from one of the guys that me & Lorna met down the pub a couple of months ago!

* Have had lots of arguments with Mark about money and the munchkin. Really can't be arsed with it all any more. Have decided to try for legal separation as he wont agree to me divorcing him for adultery (as he's been living with LFT since December), even though there are no other grounds that we could use.

* Had technicolour vomit yesterday - woohoo!!

There's loads of other stuff that has happened and a lot more detail needed abotu various things, but generally, I've been in a good mood this week, just totally dampened by last night's talk with The Fox that I still don't know how to react to. The messages I'm getting from him are very mixed, and in turn it's making it difficult for me to decide which direction I want to go in.

As I said to him though.......I don't want to NOT see him.

Which is more than enough double negatives for anyone ;)

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