Memoirs of an Eastender

Sunday October 12, 2003 - 9:31 a.m.

No questions?

Currently reading: Everything's blurry!

Making me happy: Being so bloody tired

Pissing me off: Seeing The Fox tonight!

I thought people might come up with some brilliant questions after my last entry, but alas, there has been only one - and we are drawing rapidly nearer to my 400th entry.

It's funny that I did my man update recently, cos all the 'old' ones seem to have been getting in touch again over the past few days. Which has been completely odd!!

On Thursday, I had a call from The Dutchman, and it's been ages since he actually called me just for a chat. He's looking forward to )hopefully) seeing me tomorrow night, and I even finally managed to persuade him NOT to try and give me red wine!! Red wine is my downfall. Red wine gets me frisky like nothing else!! He had been planning to try it, but realises now how adamant I am, LOL

Also, K sent me a rather obscure message just this morning - he reminded me that it was nearly his birthday and last year I promised him a night of whatever he wanted, so that means that this year I owe him TWO nights cos he never had it last year!!!

How can I be greeted by that kind of message first thing in the morning??? How can he possibly think that NOW, afetr talkign to him for a year and him being so disappointing when we were chattign for the first few months.....NOW I have a boyfriend and am pretty settled and happy, he thinks I'm going to meet him and shag him??? Is he thick?????

Almost sounds as daft as Mark's solution to me not being able to afford to keep my flat....but that's another story!

Anyway - on Friday night, I also had a very very very long conversation with NoNoNoNo, which is odd as I'd only mentioned in my update that I hadn't actually chatted to him recently. He reckons he is on the verge of splitting up with his wife. He doesn't seem like his normal cheerful self and was talking about selling up and movign away etc etc.

I just wish there was something I could do to make him feel better - he's normally such a cheeky chappy and he was pretty down on Friday night. I think I finally got to bed at about 3.30am....after talking to him online and another mate of mine on the phone! I am STILL paying the price cos I'm knackered!!!

I had some odd Googles this morning too......."nice cheap whips" and "domineering wives". Makes me sound like I'm into S&M or something!!!!

Anyway - don't forget to ask any questions.....actually I'm suprised noone's asked what I look like! Although perhaps that's TOO scary! And don't forget to join my NotifyList, as I've been updating more lately!

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